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Перевод Примеры
Чем больше спешка, тем меньше скорость // Чем бОльше ТОрОПИШЬСЯ, тем меньше тОлку, тем медленнее Или хУже получается.

He'd studied Rouse and Furnace all right and profited Ьу their mistakes. Pity he overlooked that matter of the cast porcelain. Makes а quicker job, does it, Lamplough? Well, more haste, less speed. I do wonder though, at what point of the proceedings Williams actually died. (Sayers)

"I ran straight upstairs- to fetch the pearls, you know." "Of course. lt took you some time to fetch them." "Yes. 1 couldn't find the key of my jewel-case all at once." "So often is that the case. The more in haste, the less in speed." (Christie)

'Тhе more haste, the worse speed'... When we remember that speed really meant success in Old English, the sense becomes 'The more haste, the worse success', which is а perfectly wise and sensible saying. (Skeat)

Alike in small matters and great, the old curate's maxim was : most haste, worst speed. With his son's, dear Begum, on the contrary, it was always а case of now or never, time and tide wait for no man, and the devil catch the hindmost. (Edwards)